Empowering leaders to impact the world for Christ.
Global Servant Leaders is an interdenominational organization that supports ministries and Christian leaders through relationships and resources.
Ministry work is challenging and isolating.
Most ministry leaders are spiritually exhausted and don’t have someone else to pour into them. This ultimately leads to ministry leaders that become ineffective. Even worse, too many of these leaders are on the brink of burnout becoming discouraged and disillusioned.
What Makes Us Unique

Effective ministry is all about relationships.
Our research shows church leaders need two key things to be effective: a deep relationship with God and connection to a mentor. Global Servant Leaders seeks to provide the support worldwide ministry leaders need through an ongoing mentor network. Our goal is to empower the leaders doing the challenging work of spreading the gospel internationally.
About Global Servant Leaders
Carey Akin founded Global Servant Leaders after decades in ministry and earning his doctorate focused on making global leaders more effective. Our mission is to empower more Christian leaders around the globe with deeper relationships. By supporting this ministry, you’re directly impacting Christian leaders in becoming more effective in spreading the gospel globally.

The Clay Jars MicroPodcast helps leaders grow closer to God!
This short podcast was created to help Christian leaders form a deep relationship with God that will last for a lifetime.
Stay Updated and Support Global Servant Leaders
Do you wish that you could do more to spread God’s word globally, but aren’t sure how? Stay updated with our ministry and find out ways that you can get involved by signing up for our email prayer network.